
The board of IIA Netherlands is responsible for all activities in the interest of the IIA and its members. The board members of the IIA are appointed by the General Members Meeting. The board appoints the chairmen of all committees. The office supports the board with the daily affairs, with tasks such as member administration, event organization, information and communication.


The board members of IIA Netherlands are appointed by the General Assembly for a period of two years. The term of office is a maximum of 6 years. The board members step down according to the retirement schedule. The board is responsible for implementing the decisions of the General Members Meeting and all other activities in the interest of the IIA and its members. The board appoints the chairmen of all committees as well.

The board consists of the following people:

drs.F. Eusman (Frans) - Chairman
Focus areas: chairman IIA, chairman SVO

drs. P. van der Zwan RO EMIA CCO (Paul) 
Focus areas: TKT, CAE forum

R. Petter MSc (Roosmarijn) 
Focus area: SVRO, secretary IIA, secretary SVO

P.J. Beekhuizen MSc RO RE CIA (Patrick) - Penningmeester
Focus areas: Decentrale overheden, SVRO 

drs. T. Clason MBA EMIA RO (Tommo)
Focus areas: SVRO, CAE Forum, Audit Magazine,
IIA Marketing & Communicatie

drs. J.J. Kos-Morsch RO CFE (Jeannette)
Focus areas: PAS, Decentrale Overheden, SVRO


R. Versloot MSc EMIA RO (Roos)
Focus ares: chairman SVRO, innovation, Young Profs, SVRO

mr. drs. C. de Witte RA RO EMIA CIA MBA (Cuno) - Vicevoorzitter
Focus areas: KIN, IIA Academy 



IIA Nederland

Burgemeester Stramanweg 105F
1101 AA Amsterdam
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