Webinar | Understanding the EU AI Act: Are You Ready?


With the rise of artificial intelligence in business, new regulations are being passed to mitigate its privacy, data security, and ethical risks. One of the most high-profile and comprehensive is the EU’s AI Act.

The new Act assigns AI applications to three risk categories and obliges providers of high-risk systems to adhere to a series of risk management, data governance, and cybersecurity requirements. The penalties for noncompliance are steep — and the deadline for enforcement is fast approaching.

Learn more about the requirements, their potential impact on the organisation, and the role of internal audit in our upcoming free webinar.

When? February 11, 2025, at 4 pm CET

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the EU AI Act requirements.
  • Identify and mitigate AI risks.
  • Prepare for compliance.
  • The points of attention for internal audit

CPE Credit(s): 1

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